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[00:12] <-- m_kiewitz left irc: Quit: technology isn't intrinsically good or evil. It's how it's used. Like the Death Ray.
[00:16] <-- Artox left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds
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[02:48] <-- Cheeseness left irc: Quit: Leaving.
[03:09] <-- _dreammaster left irc:
[03:10] <-- SugarCube left irc: Ping timeout: 265 seconds
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[07:22] <waltervn> morning
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[07:35] <-- bgK left irc: Ping timeout: 264 seconds
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[11:10] <fuzzie> very quiet this week :o
[11:13] --> Yasu2 joined #scummvm.
[11:14] <Harekiet> Be very quiet, we're hunting rabbits
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[12:23] <-- Schnabeltierchen left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds
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[12:28] <-- Kirben left irc:
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[14:57] <-- sact left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[15:11] <somaen> Harekiet: No, it's "Be vewwy quite, wevve hunting wabbits"
[15:11] <somaen> quiet even
[15:11] <somaen> I guess that's simple karma for correcting someone.
[15:12] <-- Cheeseness left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
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[16:11] <-- TMM left irc: Quit: Ex-Chat
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[17:34] <-- mlk left irc: Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com
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[17:37] <WooShell> meow =^.^=
[17:47] <-- Ramal left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds
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[17:51] --> SimSaw joined #scummvm.
[17:51] #scummvm: mode change '+v SimSaw' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
[17:54] <SimSaw> Does anyone know how to extract SOL files of KQ7 using ScummVM or the tools? (I cannot access the ScummVM debugger in KQ7 by the way)
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[18:16] #scummvm: mode change '+v t0by' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
[18:18] <m_kiewitz> SimSaw: probably SCI Viewer
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[18:46] <SimSaw> m_kiewitz: I've already tried SCI Viewer. It can open SCI32 games and show their data, but it does not show SOL files from RESOURCE.AUD.
[18:51] <droid2727> SimSaw: ctrl+shift+d doesn't work for you?
[18:51] --> Quatroking joined #scummvm.
[18:52] <SimSaw> Ah, I only tried Ctrl+D.
[18:52] <m_kiewitz> SimSaw: SOL are resources and they are definitely shown to me
[18:52] <m_kiewitz> I just tried with King's Quest 7 1.51
[18:53] <SimSaw> Which version of SCI Viewer are you using?
[18:53] <m_kiewitz> They are shown under "Audio36"
[18:53] <m_kiewitz> "SV Version 1"
[18:54] <-- t0by left irc: Ping timeout: 245 seconds
[18:59] <SimSaw> OK, I opened the folder. Which of the many names is it? View, Picture, Script... ?
[19:02] <m_kiewitz> "Audio36"
[19:02] <m_kiewitz> right at the end
[19:03] <m_kiewitz> just select one of those, then go to "binary format" and you will see that the header has "SOL" in it. Because it's SOL resources.
[19:06] --> sact joined #scummvm.
[19:06] <SimSaw> Thanks! Is there a way to extract them all?
[19:10] <m_kiewitz> in SCI Viewer? Well manually yes :P
[19:10] <SimSaw> So no.
[19:10] <m_kiewitz> well in ScummVM you can extract them all
[19:11] <m_kiewitz> at least you should be able to
[19:11] <SimSaw> How?
[19:11] <m_kiewitz> debugger -> "diskdump audio36 *"
[19:11] <m_kiewitz> at least that should work
[19:11] <m_kiewitz> never had to dump audio that way, but i dumped all scripts
[19:12] <m_kiewitz> i don't know when exactly i implemented that feature. Maybe it's not in the official 1.7.0 build, so you may have to download the latest daily build
[19:12] <SimSaw> Doesn't work. :(
[19:12] <SimSaw> Nothing happens.
[19:13] <SimSaw> Do I need a special subdirectory?
[19:14] <m_kiewitz> let me check
[19:15] <m_kiewitz> hmm scripts work, audio36 doesn't. moment
[19:20] <m_kiewitz> will fix that
[19:25] <SimSaw> Thanks. Could you mail me a fixed EXE to my e-mail address? Or don't you use Windows?
[19:28] <m_kiewitz> i do use windows (32bit), yeah i can send you the fixed one. Pls give me the e-mail via private chat
[19:31] <corpsemelter167> Do you do handle ResidualVM stuff in here?
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[21:50] <-- Lubomyr left irc: Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org
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[22:15] <Josejulio> Hello, sorry for bothering, i would like to know if ScummVM is participating this year on the GSoC. I was checking both the GSoC2015 and ScummVM page and can't find any clue if applied (except for this: http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/Summer_of_Code/Application/2015 but doesn't states if this was sent or not) Thanks.
[22:17] <droid2727> Sadly we were not accepted this year
[22:17] <-- kurtwr left irc:
[22:19] <Josejulio> Thank you, is a shame that you weren't accepted this year.
[22:23] <-- Josejulio left irc: Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[22:30] --> GitHub134 joined #scummvm.
[22:30] <GitHub134> [scummvm] m-kiewitz pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/h4QV
[22:30] <GitHub134> scummvm/master 9a9f569 Martin Kiewitz: SCI: debugger / fix diskdump + list commands...
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[00:00] --- Thu Mar 19 2015