[00:05] Lingo____ (~Lingo@dhcp-90-1a-ca-7a-a6-e4.cpe.sourcecable.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [00:23] LordHoto (~johannes@unaffiliated/lordhoto) left irc: Quit: leaving [00:26] Nick change: Vampire0_ -> Vampire0 [00:33] SylvainTV (~SylvainTV@ALille-252-1-52-52.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) left irc: Ping timeout: 272 seconds [00:35] RUBICN64 (~Android@2601:7:94c0:51:5003:fc00:cd05:20a1) joined #scummvm. [00:36] _marc` (~marc@p2003004608151CFCF945F675E02530E0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Quit: _marc` [00:36] SylvainTV (~SylvainTV@ALille-252-1-52-52.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #scummvm. [00:36] #scummvm: mode change '+o SylvainTV' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [00:38] Schnabeltierchen (~Schnabelt@xdsl-78-35-247-193.netcologne.de) left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [00:40] Schnabeltierchen (~Schnabelt@xdsl-89-0-214-99.netcologne.de) joined #scummvm. [00:52] RUBICN64 (~Android@2601:7:94c0:51:5003:fc00:cd05:20a1) left irc: Quit: AndroidIrc Disconnecting [00:59] droid2727 (~droid2727@2600:1001:b027:8f81:9da7:a14e:f560:f503) left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [01:09] droid2727 (~droid2727@2600:1001:b027:8f81:9da7:a14e:f560:f503) joined #scummvm. [01:09] #scummvm: mode change '+o droid2727' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [01:25] DominusExult (~dominus@unaffiliated/dominus) joined #scummvm. [01:26] Vampire0_ (~Vampire@jEdit/Vampire) joined #scummvm. [01:27] DOSFreak (~D0SFreak@ left irc: Ping timeout: 258 seconds [01:27] Dominus (~dominus@unaffiliated/dominus) left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [01:27] Nick change: DominusExult -> Dominus [01:30] Vampire0 (~Vampire@jEdit/Vampire) left irc: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [01:50] Styrbjorn (~foobar@c83-249-213-144.bredband.comhem.se) left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [01:51] Styrbjorn (~foobar@c83-249-213-144.bredband.comhem.se) joined #scummvm. [02:13] dreammaster (~dreammast@c-73-167-118-204.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) left irc: [03:00] scx_ (~scx@acuk16.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) joined #scummvm. [03:03] scx (~scx@actb205.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) left irc: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [03:24] lukaslw (6df348f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [03:55] sirlemonhead (bduncan22@ left #scummvm. [04:01] Poly-C (~Poly-C@gentoo/developer/Polynomial-C) joined #scummvm. [04:04] Polynomial-C (~Poly-C@gentoo/developer/Polynomial-C) left irc: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [04:26] SylvainTV (~SylvainTV@ALille-252-1-52-52.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [05:01] Jon_God (~jon_god@2601:9:6700:4d9:3e07:54ff:fe26:6d61) joined #scummvm. [05:05] scx_ (~scx@acuk16.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) left irc: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [05:20] p1r473 (~Pirate@CPE84948c318dd1-CM84948c318dd0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #scummvm. [05:40] edheldil_ (~edheldil@2001:1488:fffe:1:4c14:7fff:feca:16dc) joined #scummvm. [05:49] bgK (~bbouclet@vai69-5-88-183-207-181.fbx.proxad.net) left irc: Quit: Quitte [05:51] bgK (~bbouclet@vai69-5-88-183-207-181.fbx.proxad.net) joined #scummvm. [05:51] #scummvm: mode change '+o bgK' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [06:06] edheldil_ (~edheldil@2001:1488:fffe:1:4c14:7fff:feca:16dc) left irc: Ping timeout: 272 seconds [06:15] LordHoto (~johannes@unaffiliated/lordhoto) joined #scummvm. [06:15] #scummvm: mode change '+o LordHoto' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [06:25] edheldil_ (~edheldil@ joined #scummvm. [06:35] chkr (~chkr@p5DC4B6E8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Ping timeout: 244 seconds [06:37] chkr (~chkr@p5DC48515.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #scummvm. [06:38] Lightkey (~jonas@p200300764F45E40222CF30FFFE083718.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [06:40] uruk-hai (~uruk-hai@1F2E88F9.catv.pool.telekom.hu) joined #scummvm. [06:40] #scummvm: mode change '+o uruk-hai' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [06:41] ImperatorPrime (~Imperator@c-98-239-77-193.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) joined #scummvm. [06:50] Lightkey (~jonas@p200300764F45E43122CF30FFFE083718.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #scummvm. [07:12] edheldil_ (~edheldil@ left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [07:24] edheldil_ (~edheldil@ joined #scummvm. [07:34] frankyboy_ (~franky@ joined #scummvm. [07:36] meunierd (~meunierd@ec2-54-226-98-5.compute-1.amazonaws.com) left irc: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [07:37] meunierd (~meunierd@ec2-54-226-98-5.compute-1.amazonaws.com) joined #scummvm. [07:40] edheldil_ (~edheldil@ left irc: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [07:56] ImperatorPrime (~Imperator@c-98-239-77-193.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) left irc: Quit: Konversation terminated! [08:09] edheldil_ (~edheldil@ joined #scummvm. [08:19] waltervn (~walter@541B5492.cm-5-4b.dynamic.ziggo.nl) joined #scummvm. [08:19] morning [08:23] hi waltervn, hi guys [08:26] ST (~ScottT@ppp118-210-62-251.lns20.adl2.internode.on.net) joined #scummvm. [08:26] #scummvm: mode change '+o ST' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [08:39] hey all! :D [08:41] Was "The Prince and the Coward" ever released in English? [08:42] nope [08:43] Ah, I just saw that the Wiki article says it's being translated. [08:48] t0by (~t0by@host79-42-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) joined #scummvm. [08:48] #scummvm: mode change '+v t0by' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [08:54] I guess me buying the German version would be pretty pointless, then. I did study German in school, but I never actually learned to *speak* German. (For some incomprehensible reason, grammar was considered much more important than vocabulary.) [08:55] But I imagine that if I ever go to Germany again, if I just say "aus, bei, mit, nach, zeit, von, zu" enough times, they'll understand what I mean. :P [08:56] the vocabulary is a lot easier to pick up, I think [08:56] so beyond a basic level of vocab, there's probably a good argument for concentrating on grammar [08:57] you only have to know 2 sentences to be comfortable in Germany: "eine beer! eine noch mal!" [08:58] Who told you those? [08:58] They sound wrong. [08:58] uruk-hai: I thought it was "Bier". Which I don't drink. [08:58] oh, sorry, bier :D [08:58] still wrong! [08:58] :( [08:58] At least I know enough not to use the Swedish word for beer, which is "öl". :-) [08:59] Which, from what I remember, means "oil" i German, right? [09:00] yes [09:00] (lol, "öl" means "kill" in Hungarian) [09:01] anyway, it's far too late already [09:01] good night [09:01] ninight. [09:01] LordHoto (~johannes@unaffiliated/lordhoto) left irc: Quit: leaving [09:01] I do not approve of this west coast timezone malarky. [09:01] I can only assume that LordHoto isn't in Germany right now. Unless he means he's only now going to bed. [09:04] The latter is hardly unheard of, around here. :) [09:05] Raziel^ (~Raziel@p4FE80721.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #scummvm. [09:05] #scummvm: mode change '+v Raziel^' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [09:07] waltervn (~walter@541B5492.cm-5-4b.dynamic.ziggo.nl) left irc: Quit: Leaving [09:19] edheldil_ (~edheldil@ left irc: Ping timeout: 272 seconds [09:23] uruk-hai (~uruk-hai@1F2E88F9.catv.pool.telekom.hu) left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [09:23] uruk-hai (~uruk-hai@1F2E88F9.catv.pool.telekom.hu) joined #scummvm. [09:23] #scummvm: mode change '+o uruk-hai' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [09:39] DOSFreak (~D0SFreak@ joined #scummvm. [09:40] scx (~scx@acuk16.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) joined #scummvm. [09:50] frankyboy_ (~franky@ left irc: Remote host closed the connection [10:08] eriktorbjorn: Likewise, I had a beginner's Swedish course. It's enough to exchange names, nothing more ;) [10:16] I think I learned a lot more English from reading fiction in English than from studying it at school. And of course, it helps that most movies are subtitled rather than dubbed here. [10:17] i learned english playing the early sierra adventures [10:18] frankyboy_ (~franky@ joined #scummvm. [10:19] GitHub71 (~GitHub71@ joined #scummvm. [10:19] [scummvm] Strangerke pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/HoUn-A [10:19] scummvm/master fcb56b4 Strangerke: TSAGE: R2R - Add comments in scene 1337, some renaming [10:19] GitHub71 (GitHub71@ left #scummvm. [10:21] ajax16384 (~User@ip72.net176.n37.ru) joined #scummvm. [10:21] #scummvm: mode change '+o ajax16384' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [10:28] Jon_God (~jon_god@2601:9:6700:4d9:3e07:54ff:fe26:6d61) left irc: Remote host closed the connection [10:36] Raziel^: So the first English sentence you learned was "You have died"? ;-) [10:37] lol [10:54] _marc` (~marc@p200300460867F8FC30D178516279537F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #scummvm. [11:12] Harekiet (~harekiet@kittens.harekiet.com) left irc: Quit: I brought my pogo stick just to show her a trick [11:14] Harekiet (~harekiet@kittens.harekiet.com) joined #scummvm. [11:31] James|GlideM (~James|Gli@ joined #scummvm. [11:31] #scummvm: mode change '+v James|GlideM' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [11:31] James|GlideM (~James|Gli@ left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [11:40] ST1 (~ScottT@ppp121-45-88-150.lns20.adl6.internode.on.net) joined #scummvm. [11:40] ST (~ScottT@ppp118-210-62-251.lns20.adl2.internode.on.net) left irc: Disconnected by services [11:45] SylvainTV (~SylvainTV@ALille-252-1-52-52.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #scummvm. [11:45] #scummvm: mode change '+o SylvainTV' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [11:52] Raziel^ (~Raziel@p4FE80721.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Quit: AmigaOS 4 (Unregistered copy). Evaluation period is over. Program will now quit. Thank you for using AmigaOS. [11:52] Raziel^ (~Raziel@p4FE80721.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #scummvm. [11:52] #scummvm: mode change '+v Raziel^' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [12:12] sirlemonhead (~bduncan22@ joined #scummvm. [12:12] Well, I guess English classes in school are a bit like sex ed: they are meant to give you the basics, not to turn you into a pro :P [12:18] waltervn (~walter@541B5492.cm-5-4b.dynamic.ziggo.nl) joined #scummvm. [12:44] criezy (~criezy@host31-49-122-161.range31-49.btcentralplus.com) joined #scummvm. [12:44] #scummvm: mode change '+o criezy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [12:49] WooShell (woo@ipbcc0be82.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) joined #scummvm. [12:51] meow =^.^= [12:52] Cheeseness (~cheesenes@ppp118-208-238-117.lns20.hba2.internode.on.net) left irc: Quit: Leaving. [12:58] Action: Strangerke pets WooShell [12:58] Action: WooShell purrs at Strangerke [13:14] Kirben (Kirben@c110-22-51-140.brasd4.vic.optusnet.com.au) left irc: [13:17] lukaslw (6df348f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. joined #scummvm. [13:17] #scummvm: mode change '+o lukaslw' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [13:23] Schnabeltierchen (~Schnabelt@xdsl-89-0-214-99.netcologne.de) left irc: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [13:24] Schnabeltierchen (~Schnabelt@xdsl-85-197-5-132.netcologne.de) joined #scummvm. [13:33] Lingo (~Lingo@dhcp-90-1a-ca-7a-a6-e4.cpe.sourcecable.net) joined #scummvm. [13:37] Lingo (~Lingo@dhcp-90-1a-ca-7a-a6-e4.cpe.sourcecable.net) left irc: Client Quit [13:38] Lingo (~Lingo@dhcp-90-1a-ca-7a-a6-e4.cpe.sourcecable.net) joined #scummvm. [13:42] Lingo (~Lingo@dhcp-90-1a-ca-7a-a6-e4.cpe.sourcecable.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 250 seconds [13:58] pho_ (~pho@2a02:8071:24c0:7200:7865:dd70:e457:ad80) joined #scummvm. [14:19] t0by (~t0by@host79-42-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) left irc: Ping timeout: 258 seconds [14:19] droid2727 (~droid2727@2600:1001:b027:8f81:9da7:a14e:f560:f503) left irc: Quit: Statement: Good-bye, meatbags! [14:21] pho_ (~pho@2a02:8071:24c0:7200:7865:dd70:e457:ad80) left irc: Remote host closed the connection [14:21] pho_ (~pho@HSI-KBW-046-005-002-017.hsi8.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) joined #scummvm. [14:26] pho_ (~pho@HSI-KBW-046-005-002-017.hsi8.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [14:37] t0by (~t0by@host79-42-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) joined #scummvm. [14:37] #scummvm: mode change '+v t0by' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [14:39] Nick change: Vampire0_ -> Vampire0 [14:43] TAS-2012v (2012@c-c5f871d5.024-3-67626724.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [14:44] TAS_2012v (2012@c-c5f871d5.024-3-67626724.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) joined #scummvm. [14:44] lukaslw (6df348f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. left irc: Quit: Page closed [15:01] dreammaster (~dreammast@c-73-167-118-204.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) joined #scummvm. [15:01] #scummvm: mode change '+o dreammaster' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [15:03] ST1 (~ScottT@ppp121-45-88-150.lns20.adl6.internode.on.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [15:10] okthxbye (hipstacoin@g138056.upc-g.chello.nl) joined #scummvm. [15:11] Hello! I have a question about playing I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream on my Android tablet with ScummVM. I bought the GOG version of the game [15:11] but I'm afraid that I can't use the files that that install uses with ScummVM, am I right? [15:12] waltervn (~walter@541B5492.cm-5-4b.dynamic.ziggo.nl) left irc: Quit: Leaving [15:14] okthxbye: I don't have the game myself, but if you mean by "the files that install uses with ScummVM", that you'll have to first install the game on Windows, then you're correct. But then you should be able to copy the files from the installed game folder to your Android [15:16] no that doesn't work because the files that the GOG installer provides are different [15:17] they have packed everything into a single .dat file that you can't easily mount like an iso [15:17] but!! [15:17] I just found the solution that worked [15:17] it involed some work with dosbox, mounting and copying [15:17] take a look: [15:17] http://www.gog.com/forum/i_have_no_mouth_and_i_must_scream/scummvm [15:17] maybe something to add in the datafiles guide/wiki for the GOG version? [15:17] this post is the guide: http://www.gog.com/forum/i_have_no_mouth_and_i_must_scream/scummvm/post6 [15:18] I have a working full folder now [15:18] Ah. It's a renamed .iso file [15:18] Glad you were able to figure it out, then [15:19] "it can't be easily just renamed to .iso and mounted (in Mac OSX at least)" [15:19] weird [15:19] nah it's not renamed, I tried that [15:19] But then it works with DOSBox's imgmount? [15:19] windows 8.1 here [15:19] yeah it did! [15:19] strange, huh? [15:20] man my android tablet is awesome for scumm games [15:20] But DOSBox imgmount -t iso is just mounting an ISO 9660 image [15:20] o_O [15:20] i'm so happy to be able to play my all time favourites everywhere, anywhere, anyhow [15:20] maybe it was the windows 8 image mounting [15:20] let me try daemon tools if I have that installed [15:20] Can't check myself, since I don't have that game on GOG [15:21] yeah you can even mount the .dat file with daemon tools if You give the parameter * [15:21] And the Steam version comes directly with ScummVM, IIRC? [15:21] so it's juset crappy windows 8 moutning. [15:21] the dat file is easily renameable to iso or mountable by itself! [15:21] I don't know about the Steam version DrMcCoy, don't have that [15:22] so, solved! [15:22] :D [15:22] Which is good, but I'm curious now what feature Windows (and Mac OS X) doesn't support [15:23] Oh, well [15:25] IIRC it's easy to dump those ISOs using dosbox anyhow [15:26] just change the autoexec to NOT launch the game, start the container, then mount some folder on your machine, from then on you can just use dosbox's copy [15:42] ny00123 (~ny00123@ joined #scummvm. [15:46] t0by (~t0by@host79-42-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) left irc: Ping timeout: 244 seconds [15:48] Lingo_ (~Lingo@dhcp-90-1a-ca-7a-a6-e4.cpe.sourcecable.net) joined #scummvm. [15:48] Lingo_ (~Lingo@dhcp-90-1a-ca-7a-a6-e4.cpe.sourcecable.net) left irc: Client Quit [15:49] Lingo_ (~Lingo@dhcp-90-1a-ca-7a-a6-e4.cpe.sourcecable.net) joined #scummvm. [15:52] Raziel^ (~Raziel@p4FE80721.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Quit: AmigaOS 4 (Unregistered copy). Evaluation period is over. Program will now quit. Thank you for using AmigaOS. [15:53] Lingo_ (~Lingo@dhcp-90-1a-ca-7a-a6-e4.cpe.sourcecable.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [16:01] GitHub151 (~GitHub151@ joined #scummvm. [16:01] [scummvm] Strangerke pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/8hoibQ [16:01] scummvm/master 47245e1 Strangerke: TSAGE: R2R - More renaming in scene 1337, add some comments [16:01] GitHub151 (GitHub151@ left #scummvm. [16:01] GitHub34 (~GitHub34@ joined #scummvm. [16:01] [scummvm] Strangerke pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/T5m4Xw [16:01] scummvm/master c053f9b Strangerke: TSAGE: R2R - Remove a hack in playCentralOutpostCard() [16:01] GitHub34 (GitHub34@ left #scummvm. [16:03] lukaslw (6df348f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. joined #scummvm. [16:03] #scummvm: mode change '+o lukaslw' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [16:03] GitHub147 (~GitHub147@ joined #scummvm. [16:03] [scummvm] Strangerke pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/rDyLBw [16:03] scummvm/master 1e9cf1b Strangerke: TSAGE: R2R - Fix a bug in scene 1337, when playing a meteor card on a player owning an interceptor card [16:03] GitHub147 (GitHub147@ left #scummvm. [16:04] Ha shit, IDA crash and corrupted IDB... grml [16:04] Nasty :( [16:04] :( [16:05] Strangerke (~Strangerk@cable- left irc: Quit: Reboot [16:07] frankyboy_ (~franky@ left irc: Remote host closed the connection [16:15] Strangerke (~Strangerk@cable- joined #scummvm. [16:15] #scummvm: mode change '+o Strangerke' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [16:25] ST (~ScottT@ppp121-45-88-150.lns20.adl6.internode.on.net) joined #scummvm. [16:25] #scummvm: mode change '+o ST' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [16:55] cetghp (~jappi@dslb-094-222-101-180.094.222.pools.vodafone-ip.de) joined #scummvm. [18:00] ScummBot (~ScummBot@beta.ipv7.se) left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [18:01] ScummBot (~ScummBot@beta.ipv7.se) joined #scummvm. [18:02] cetghp (~jappi@dslb-094-222-101-180.094.222.pools.vodafone-ip.de) left irc: Ping timeout: 258 seconds [18:19] LordHoto (~johannes@unaffiliated/lordhoto) joined #scummvm. [18:19] #scummvm: mode change '+o LordHoto' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [18:20] RUBICN64 (~Android@2601:7:9480:8f:5003:fc00:cd05:20a1) joined #scummvm. [18:33] GitHub5 (~GitHub5@ joined #scummvm. [18:33] [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/l4g8mQ [18:33] scummvm/master 175d027 Paul Gilbert: MADS: Fix horizontal background scrolling in animations [18:33] GitHub5 (GitHub5@ left #scummvm. [18:39] GitHub177 (~GitHub177@ joined #scummvm. [18:39] [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/UkOh6A [18:39] scummvm/master f866550 Paul Gilbert: MADS: Depth style 2 frames can be drawn using existing methods [18:39] GitHub177 (GitHub177@ left #scummvm. [18:40] GitHub162 (~GitHub162@ joined #scummvm. [18:40] [scummvm] Strangerke pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/IOom3w [18:40] scummvm/master 64979e6 Strangerke: TSAGE: R2R - Fix discard of own selected station when handling the meteor card effect [18:40] GitHub162 (GitHub162@ left #scummvm. [19:00] lukaslw (6df348f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. left irc: Quit: Page closed [19:11] ST (~ScottT@ppp121-45-88-150.lns20.adl6.internode.on.net) left irc: Disconnected by services [19:12] ST1 (~ScottT@ppp121-45-88-150.lns20.adl6.internode.on.net) joined #scummvm. [19:13] criezy (~criezy@host31-49-122-161.range31-49.btcentralplus.com) left irc: Quit: criezy [19:14] bgK (~bbouclet@vai69-5-88-183-207-181.fbx.proxad.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 272 seconds [19:27] Strangerke_ (~Strangerk@cable- joined #scummvm. [19:27] Strangerke (~Strangerk@cable- left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [19:27] Nick change: Strangerke_ -> Strangerke [19:28] #scummvm: mode change '+o Strangerke' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [19:33] edheldil_ (~edheldil@ip-78-45-160-121.net.upcbroadband.cz) joined #scummvm. [19:49] dreammaster (~dreammast@c-73-167-118-204.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) left irc: [19:53] RUBICN64 (~Android@2601:7:9480:8f:5003:fc00:cd05:20a1) left irc: Quit: -a- IRC for Android 2.1.20 [20:00] ScummBot (~ScummBot@beta.ipv7.se) got netsplit. [20:00] WooShell (woo@ipbcc0be82.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) got netsplit. [20:00] CuriosTiger (~stian@terex.bigrig.org) got netsplit. [20:00] madmoose (~Hat@chef.nerp.net) got netsplit. [20:00] Akz- (~akz@kekkonen.niksula.hut.fi) got netsplit. [20:00] ScummBot_ (~ScummBot@beta.ipv7.se) joined #scummvm. [20:00] madmoose (~Hat@chef.nerp.net) returned to #scummvm. [20:00] Akz- (~akz@kekkonen.niksula.hut.fi) returned to #scummvm. [20:01] WooShell (woo@ipbcc0be82.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) returned to #scummvm. [20:01] CuriosTiger (~stian@terex.bigrig.org) returned to #scummvm. [20:01] GitHub107 (~GitHub107@ joined #scummvm. [20:01] [scummvm] Strangerke pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/f5RCow [20:01] scummvm/master f025a61 Strangerke: TSAGE: R2R - Fix bug with short delay card discard for player 0 [20:01] GitHub107 (GitHub107@ left #scummvm. [20:02] dreammaster (~dreammast@c-73-167-118-204.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) joined #scummvm. [20:02] #scummvm: mode change '+o dreammaster' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [20:03] Nice. Got back just in time for yet another commit. :) [20:04] :D [20:09] lukaslw (6df348f9@gateway/web/freenode/session) joined #scummvm. [20:09] #scummvm: mode change '+o lukaslw' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [20:11] ScummBot (~ScummBot@beta.ipv7.se) got lost in the net-split. [20:12] lukaslw (6df348f9@gateway/web/freenode/session) left irc: Changing host [20:12] lukaslw (6df348f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. joined #scummvm. [20:12] #scummvm: mode change '+o lukaslw' by herbert.freenode.net [20:16] uruk-hai (~uruk-hai@1F2E88F9.catv.pool.telekom.hu) left irc: Quit: Leaving [20:22] ajax16384 (~User@ip72.net176.n37.ru) left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [20:25] GitHub34 (~GitHub34@ joined #scummvm. [20:25] [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/uijzbw [20:25] scummvm/master d02693c Paul Gilbert: MADS: Better initialization of animation cycling palettes [20:25] GitHub34 (GitHub34@ left #scummvm. [20:55] GitHub100 (~GitHub100@ joined #scummvm. [20:55] [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/b7roeQ [20:55] scummvm/master f978539 Paul Gilbert: MADS: Move OPL creation from the engine to SoundManager [20:55] GitHub100 (GitHub100@ left #scummvm. [20:55] ny00123 (~ny00123@ left irc: Quit: Leaving [21:04] droid2727 (~droid2727@2600:1001:b11c:d0c2:3be:765c:69a2:4206) joined #scummvm. [21:04] #scummvm: mode change '+o droid2727' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [21:09] droid2727 (~droid2727@2600:1001:b11c:d0c2:3be:765c:69a2:4206) left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [21:10] okthxbye (hipstacoin@g138056.upc-g.chello.nl) left irc: [21:19] droid2727 (~droid2727@2600:1001:b11c:d0c2:3be:765c:69a2:4206) joined #scummvm. [21:19] #scummvm: mode change '+o droid2727' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [21:24] dreammaster (~dreammast@c-73-167-118-204.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) left irc: [21:24] clone2728 (~droid2727@2600:1001:b008:e22b:28ce:ec4:8c5d:3e53) joined #scummvm. [21:24] #scummvm: mode change '+o clone2728' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [21:27] droid2727 (~droid2727@2600:1001:b11c:d0c2:3be:765c:69a2:4206) left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [21:27] Ramal (~dennis@ left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [21:29] Ramal (~dennis@ joined #scummvm. [21:30] Nick change: clone2728 -> droid2727 [21:34] mlilenium_ (~mlilenium@ joined #scummvm. [21:34] mlilenium_ (mlilenium@ left #scummvm. [21:51] Kirben (Kirben@c110-22-51-140.brasd4.vic.optusnet.com.au) joined #scummvm. [21:51] #scummvm: mode change '+o Kirben' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [22:07] ST (~ScottT@ppp118-210-20-49.lns20.adl2.internode.on.net) joined #scummvm. [22:07] #scummvm: mode change '+o ST' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [22:09] ST1 (~ScottT@ppp121-45-88-150.lns20.adl6.internode.on.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [22:18] SugarCube (~servus@2605:e000:850e:e00:a8c9:e6cc:791e:8a7b) left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [22:20] RUBICN64 (~Android@2601:7:9480:8f:5003:fc00:cd05:20a1) joined #scummvm. [22:29] SugarCube (~servus@2605:e000:850e:e00:5848:ff59:5468:9290) joined #scummvm. [22:34] edheldil_ (~edheldil@ip-78-45-160-121.net.upcbroadband.cz) left irc: Ping timeout: 272 seconds [22:37] WooShell (woo@ipbcc0be82.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) left irc: Quit: Walking upside down in the sky, between the satellites passing by. Gliding along the black rainbow, I fly away with my shadow. Scratching the moon like a DJ, the night follows its odyssey. [22:44] TAS-2012v (2012@c-c5f871d5.024-3-67626724.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) joined #scummvm. [22:45] TAS_2012v (2012@c-c5f871d5.024-3-67626724.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [22:56] erdic (~erdic@unaffiliated/motley) left irc: Remote host closed the connection [22:56] erdic (~erdic@unaffiliated/motley) joined #scummvm. [23:03] ST (~ScottT@ppp118-210-20-49.lns20.adl2.internode.on.net) left irc: Disconnected by services [23:03] ST1 (~ScottT@ppp121-45-114-189.lns20.adl6.internode.on.net) joined #scummvm. [23:07] RUBICN64 (~Android@2601:7:9480:8f:5003:fc00:cd05:20a1) left irc: Quit: AndroidIrc Disconnecting [23:10] lukaslw (6df348f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. left irc: Quit: Page closed [23:17] klusark (~klusark@198-217-117-133.dyn.novuscom.net) left irc: Remote host closed the connection [23:18] demonimin (~demonimin@unaffiliated/demonimin) left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [23:20] SugarCube (~servus@2605:e000:850e:e00:5848:ff59:5468:9290) left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [23:21] demonimin (~demonimin@unaffiliated/demonimin) joined #scummvm. [23:26] ST1 (~ScottT@ppp121-45-114-189.lns20.adl6.internode.on.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [23:26] frankyboy_ (~franky@ joined #scummvm. [23:29] ST (~ScottT@ppp118-210-54-244.lns20.adl2.internode.on.net) joined #scummvm. [23:29] #scummvm: mode change '+o ST' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [23:31] SugarCube (~servus@2605:e000:850e:e00:5848:ff59:5468:9290) joined #scummvm. [23:35] scx (~scx@acuk16.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [23:35] scx (~scx@adhh94.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) joined #scummvm. [23:45] sirlemonhead (bduncan22@ left #scummvm. [23:49] frankyboy_ (~franky@ left irc: Remote host closed the connection [23:54] clone2727 (~clone2727@ool-2f105dd5.dyn.optonline.net) joined #scummvm. [23:54] #scummvm: mode change '+o clone2727' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [23:54] droid2727 (~droid2727@2600:1001:b008:e22b:28ce:ec4:8c5d:3e53) left irc: Quit: Statement: Good-bye, meatbags! [00:00] --- Mon Oct 13 2014