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[00:03] --> Wishmaster joined #scummvm.
[00:04] <somaen> The eaten by a grue screen is kind of hard to read too, no idea if it originally was like that though
[00:11] <somaen> Well, apparently it wasn't like that in the GoG version, in ScummVM though, I see stripes through the text, which makes it illegible.
[00:14] <eriktorbjorn> somaen: It's been so long since I played the games that I don't even remember where that happens. One of the game over screens in ZGI, I assume, where it tries to look like an old text adventure?

[00:15] --> Wishmaster joined #scummvm.
[00:17] <eriktorbjorn> somaen: Found it.
[00:20] <eriktorbjorn> somaen: And it's hard to read for me, too.
[00:23] <-- Wishmaster left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[00:24] <[md5]> which screen is that?
[00:35] <-- criezy left irc: Quit: criezy
[00:38] --> GitHub84 joined #scummvm.
[00:38] <GitHub84> [scummvm] bluegr pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/1dgbiw
[00:38] <GitHub84> scummvm/master 3f4c924 Filippos Karapetis: ZVISION: Check for all the required fonts before starting a game
[00:38] GitHub84 (GitHub84@ left #scummvm.
[00:38] <[md5]> somaen: done
[01:05] <nutron> any idea who did/does the PSP port?
[01:07] <[md5]> nutron: joostp did it, but I think it's unmaintaned now
[01:07] <nutron> I wonder what the build environment looked like.
[01:07] <[md5]> oh and bluddy
[01:07] <nutron> Hmm not familiar with bluddy.
[01:11] <nutron> md5 do you know of any docs/guides on making a port somehow? Curious how these environments were set up (mainly psp and ps2)
[01:14] --> Jon_God joined #scummvm.
[01:15] <[md5]> nutron: well, there are instructions for PS2
[01:15] <[md5]> http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/Compiling_ScummVM/PlayStation_2
[01:15] <[md5]> no such instructions for PSP, though
[01:16] <nutron> ah very nice, thanks!
[01:16] <[md5]> the ps2dev dev kit is on github now
[01:16] <[md5]> https://github.com/ps2dev
[01:17] <[md5]> and you probably want the psp dev kit for PSP:
[01:17] <[md5]> https://github.com/pspdev
[01:17] <nutron> md5 thanks! I'll attempt at tryng to automate both.
[01:18] <[md5]> no problem :)
[01:18] <nutron> If I'm successful in building, I'll add the psp and update the ps2 pages
[01:19] <[md5]> ah, great, thanks :)
[01:19] <[md5]> we are in need of a PSP/PS2 porter
[01:19] <[md5]> there was a guy for PS2... let me check his name
[01:22] <nutron> I see that =).
[01:22] <[md5]> can't find him
[01:22] <[md5]> it's been awhile
[01:23] <[md5]> ah yes
[01:23] <[md5]> Max Lingua, "sunmax"
[01:23] <nutron> Was he on irc or on the forums? I'll try to get in touch if I'm successful in building.
[01:24] <-- SylvainTV left irc: Ping timeout: 256 seconds
[01:24] <nutron> yikes!
[01:25] <[md5]> so, there :)
[01:25] <nutron> joostp is well known though .. I can hound him =)
[01:25] <[md5]> yeah
[01:26] <[md5]> sunmax is the most recent
[01:26] <[md5]> https://github.com/sunmax
[01:27] <nutron> but joostp had the psp build environment running, I'll attempt to find sunmax as well.
[01:27] <nutron> Oh. Ok.
[01:27] --> demonimin_ joined #scummvm.
[01:27] <[md5]> his most recent commits are here: https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm/pull/426
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[03:09] <-- RUBICN64 left irc: Quit: AndroidIrc Disconnecting
[03:39] [md5] <-- (~md5@unaffiliated/md5/x-729473) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
[04:19] <Endy> !seenstats
[04:19] Action: Endy pokes LeChuck
[04:20] <Endy> "The oldest record is XULWork's, which is from 4 years, 245
[04:20] <Endy> days, 14 hours, 4 minutes ago.
[04:20] <Endy> hah
[04:21] <ScummBot> Port build status changed with 3f4c924c: Failure: master-ouya
[04:27] Nick change: Javacat -> NotJavacat
[04:31] <-- dreammaster left irc:
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[04:42] <-- LordHoto left irc: Quit: ...
[04:51] <eriktorbjorn> The ZGI game over screen looks fine (except for some stray letter "E"s) when using Microsoft's font, but not when using the free replacement. That's annoying.
[04:55] <ScummBot> Port build status changed with 3f4c924c: Failure: master-android_x86, master-android_arm, master-android_mips
[05:00] <-- clone2727 left irc: Quit: later
[05:04] <-- Polynomial-C left irc: Ping timeout: 245 seconds
[05:05] --> Polynomial-C joined #scummvm.
[05:10] <eriktorbjorn> It looks better if I force it to use "normal" render mode instead of "sharp", i.e. if I set 'sharp' to false in StyledTTFont::loadFont().
[05:20] <ScummBot> Port build status changed with 3f4c924c: Failure: master-osx_ppc
[05:49] --> GitHub186 joined #scummvm.
[05:49] <GitHub186> [scummvm] eriktorbjorn pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/ed2lsA

[05:49] GitHub186 (GitHub186@ left #scummvm.
[06:03] --> t0by joined #scummvm.
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[06:06] <eriktorbjorn> It seems the background sound is missing when you climb down the well in ZGI (at least when you do it without a lantern), but it doesn't seem to be part of the movie itself. I don't have the time to investigate further at the moment.
[06:09] --> bgK joined #scummvm.
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[06:27] --> Cheeseness joined #scummvm.
[06:35] <Endy> ZGI huh
[06:36] <Endy> I think I saw my media for that when I moved house...
[07:30] <ScummBot> Port build status changed with b247515c: Success: master-ouya, master-android_x86, master-android_arm, master-android_mips, master-osx_ppc
[07:34] <enthusi> somaen: thanks, I was wondering already as I DID compile it not too long ago :)
[07:34] <enthusi> (sorry for somewhat delayed reply :)
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[08:04] --> _marc` joined #scummvm.
[08:12] <-- _sev|work left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep
[08:17] --> Strangerke|work joined #scummvm.
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[08:17] <Strangerke|work> hi guys
[08:23] [md5] --> (~md5@unaffiliated/md5/x-729473) joined #scummvm.
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[09:50] --> _sev|work joined #scummvm.
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[09:59] <-- DJWillis left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[10:48] --> Vanfanel joined #scummvm.
[11:06] <-- Jon_God left irc: Remote host closed the connection
[11:10] <-- Ramal left irc: Ping timeout: 265 seconds
[11:11] --> Ramal joined #scummvm.
[11:27] <Vanfanel> _sev|work: Do I have to move all struct global variables to gles-custom.h? I can't do it because I get an error when moving the required header includes to gles-custom.h: http://pastebin.com/EYrKYeCN
[11:27] <Vanfanel> _sev|work: if that header is in gles-custom.cpp, there's no problem
[11:31] <somaen> IMHO, if they are only ever accessed inside gles-custom.cpp, then they don't need to be in the header
[11:31] <somaen> actually then, they probably shouldn't be in the header.
[11:31] <somaen> file-static variables are a (short) step above globals.
[11:31] <somaen> But, then again, the point might have been to get them into the class
[11:32] <Vanfanel> somaen: they are only accessed from gles-custom.cpp, yes
[11:32] <somaen> Let me have a look
[11:32] <somaen> 2 sec
[11:32] <Vanfanel> noy pushed yet, wait a second..
[11:32] <Vanfanel> oh, well, look at what's pushed
[11:33] <somaen> That error is a result of mixing C and C++ linkage.
[11:33] <somaen> Although, afaik, C->C++ should go fine, it's the other way around that gets tricky
[11:34] <Vanfanel> somaen: you mean compilation? This error happens on compile time
[11:34] <somaen> Yes
[11:34] <somaen> Well, the extern "C" stuff is a linkage thing
[11:34] <Vanfanel> aha
[11:35] <somaen> As in "Hi compiler, I know you're a c++-compiler but would you mind treating this as C, so, no name mangling and stuff... ok? Thanks"
[11:36] <Vanfanel> so can I leave variable declarations that are accessed only from gles-custom.cpp in the cpp file then? no need to move them to the .h?
[11:36] <somaen> Well, the preferable thing is that such things are part of the class.
[11:37] <somaen> But, that may make the header full of includes, which makes things weird.
[11:37] <somaen> What do you need to include, and why?
[11:37] <somaen> (to get the variables into the class.
[11:37] <somaen> )
[11:37] <Vanfanel> the problem is that moving the structs to the header needs some includes to be moved, too.
[11:37] <Vanfanel> and these includes don't build anymore if they are in the header
[11:38] <somaen> The struct _definitions_ or just the vars?
[11:38] <Vanfanel> while they build fine when they are in the .cpp
[11:38] <Vanfanel> the struct definitions and the vars I guess
[11:38] <somaen> And the vars are pointers?
[11:38] <somaen> And pointers only.
[11:39] <Vanfanel> I believe there are both vars and pointers..
[11:39] <somaen> Pure pointers you can work around easily.
[11:39] <somaen> Forward declaration of the struct type in the header.
[11:40] <somaen> I.e. for struct foo, you can add "struct foo;" somewhere early in the header, and then "foo *bar" is legal for the rest of the file (and any file including it obviously)
[11:41] <Vanfanel> so that would make the struct into the class, right?
[11:41] <Vanfanel> I mean, the variable
[11:41] <somaen> Could you rephrase that?
[11:41] <somaen> Because it would not turn the struct into a class, but it would allow you to put pointers to foo-structs inside the class.
[11:42] <Vanfanel> I mean that making it that way makes sense because what I gain by doing so is getting that the variable becomes a member of the class instead of a simple global variable in the cpp
[11:42] <Vanfanel> I think it's what you just said
[11:42] <somaen> Yes
[11:42] <Vanfanel> huh, I was so happy in plain-C land.. :P
[11:43] <somaen> As for any tricky types, there is this little trick:
[11:43] <somaen> Create a struct in the cpp-file, that contains all the stuff that you don't want to put directly in the header. (Let's call it's type "baz" for now)
[11:44] <somaen> then put a baz * in the class, complete with allocation in the constructor, and destruction in the destructor.
[11:44] <somaen> The header doesn't need to know what a baz is, just that it is a struct.
[11:47] <somaen> Personally I feel a bit... amputated in pure C-land, even when I write C, I prefer to have _some_ of the C++ stuff available (yeah, C99 adds stuff like bool and for-loop-variable-declaration, but then you meet yet another compiler that doesn't do C99...)
[11:48] <somaen> Either way, global variables should be avoided like the plague.
[11:49] <Vanfanel> somaen: ok, what if I have a "static struct {...} gbm;" in the cpp?
[11:50] <Vanfanel> I tried doing a forwar "static struct gbm;" in .h
[11:50] <Vanfanel> but that's not allowed
[11:53] --> SylvainTV joined #scummvm.
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[11:53] <Vanfanel> so I simply tried "struct gbm;" in the header
[11:54] <Vanfanel> but I can't define the struct members in the header because I can't include the needed headers for the struct members
[11:54] <Vanfanel> I'm going in circles...
[11:55] <somaen> Why do you need the static part?
[11:55] <somaen> I mean, outside a function, static (which has a different meaning in C and C++) just means "this variable is scoped to this file only", no?
[11:56] <Vanfanel> yes, it's not needed really I guess
[11:57] <somaen> static struct { ... } gbm; is just an anonymous struct instantiated as gbm.
[11:57] <somaen> make it non-anonymous: struct gbm_struct { .... };
[11:58] <somaen> Then keep a pointer to it in the header (beware of allocation/destruction, as well as . -> changes)
[11:59] <somaen> Not that the gbm-struct seems to contain anything but pointers though.
[12:00] <somaen> So, the entire struct definition could in theory go inside the class too, if you forward declare struct gbm_device; struct gbm_surface;
[12:00] <somaen> The same seems to hold true for all the other structs, and vars, except +static drmEventContext evctx;
[12:01] <somaen> and fd_set fds
[12:02] <somaen> If I had the faintest idea what toolchain is needed to work with this, I might help you when I have some time.
[12:05] <somaen> bbl
[12:05] --> bgK joined #scummvm.
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[12:07] <Vanfanel> somaen: thanks a lot for the help you've already given me. You're really patient.
[12:07] <Vanfanel> The toolchain isn't anything special, just libdrm, libgbm, etc.. for the drm/kms backend
[12:12] --> waltervn_ joined #scummvm.
[12:12] <-- waltervn left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
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[12:13] Action: waltervn still needs to get used to the "notebook" concept. Apparently they can run out of power?
[12:27] <-- waltervn left irc: Quit: bbl
[12:29] <wjp> hm, lots of emails yesterday
[12:31] --> droid2727 joined #scummvm.
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[12:33] <-- broosky left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds
[12:33] <wjp> wow, those android threads really don't make any sense
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[12:39] <_sev|work> wjp: ?
[12:43] <_sev|work> Vanfanel: sorry for putting you into this. If I'd know that you don't really know C++, I would be more verbose in my comments
[12:43] <_sev|work> Vanfanel: Do you have any questions left?
[12:44] <wjp> _sev|work: entirely separate issues keep getting mixed together for no apparent reason
[12:44] <_sev|work> are you talking about development environents?
[12:45] <wjp> apk distribution, plugin support, android version support, SDK support, everything
[12:50] <Vanfanel> _sev|work: don't worry, I put myself into this by really wanting my poor work to be integrated into upstream scummvm :)
[12:50] <Vanfanel> _sev|work: also, I thought I knew C++, but it's not the case it seems. My fault again.
[12:51] <_sev|work> that's not your fault, thank you for your work
[12:51] <_sev|work> still, there is one question left unanswered :)
[12:51] <_sev|work> how to cross-build it?
[12:51] <Vanfanel> the problem is that I don't cross-build but build directly on the Pi itselft
[12:52] <Vanfanel> *itself
[12:52] <_sev|work> as you seem to tie it to Raspberry dev environment
[12:52] <_sev|work> yes, and that is a bit problematic, as you're just hardcoding to that
[12:53] <Vanfanel> _sev|work: but there's no way to know (that I know) for the buildsystem to guess where the VC (videocore, Rpi's GPU) headers are
[12:53] <Vanfanel> available examples just have these headers locations hardcoded
[12:54] <Vanfanel> there isn't a pkgconfig or anyhting that I know about
[12:54] <Vanfanel> that's why I hardcoded the routes in the configure script
[12:55] <_sev|work> Vanfanel: well, what you can do is to try what we do with SDL
[12:55] <_sev|work> Vanfanel: that is _try_ the directories.
[12:55] <_sev|work> and for the time being have only your existing patch there
[12:56] <_sev|work> but at least you will detect it early if there is a difference in setup, and it will be trivial to extend list of tests
[12:57] <Vanfanel> _sev|work: But I don't understand. Do you mean I try the dirs and if they are there we build for Rpi GLES? Instead of passing the --enable-gles-rpi parameter?
[12:57] <_sev|work> no
[12:57] <_sev|work> instead of hardcoding your /vc/ dir, you need to check it for validness
[12:57] <_sev|work> *validity
[12:59] <_sev|work> similar to what we do at https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm/blob/master/configure#L354
[12:59] <Vanfanel> ok, ok
[12:59] <_sev|work> but instead of calling it, you do a cc_check()
[12:59] <_sev|work> of your test code
[12:59] <_sev|work> which could contain just something like:
[12:59] <_sev|work> #include <your-vc.h>
[12:59] <_sev|work> main() {
[13:00] <_sev|work> vc_some_call();
[13:00] <_sev|work> }
[13:00] <-- Kirben left irc:
[13:00] <_sev|work> and you try to compile and link that
[13:00] <_sev|work> on success you know that your -I flags are correct
[13:01] <Vanfanel> _sev|work: ok, you mean including an small test
[13:01] <_sev|work> yes
[13:01] <_sev|work> and then you can be sure that you can build
[13:02] <Vanfanel> ok, let me finish the members/headers/syntax stuff first and then I will look at that part
[13:02] <Vanfanel> I'd like to finish the class first as you expect it to be
[13:03] <_sev|work> btw, did you read our Code Formatting Conventions?
[13:03] <_sev|work> this could help
[13:03] <Vanfanel> yes, I read it a bit too late (yesterday) but I did read it
[13:04] <_sev|work> great
[13:05] <Vanfanel> _sev|work: I'm trying to move the struct https://github.com/vanfanel/scummvm/blob/gles_custom/backends/graphics/gles-custom/gles-custom.cpp#L62
[13:05] <Vanfanel> into the header so it's a private member/variable
[13:05] <Vanfanel> instead of a global variable
[13:06] <_sev|work> should be quite easy
[13:06] <_sev|work> in the header you have the following lines:
[13:06] <_sev|work> struct gbm_service;
[13:06] <_sev|work> err
[13:06] <_sev|work> struct gbm_dervice;
[13:06] <_sev|work> struct gbm_surfice;;
[13:06] <_sev|work> outside of any classes
[13:06] <_sev|work> and then in your class
[13:07] <_sev|work> or even outside of it
[13:07] <_sev|work> struct Gbm {
[13:07] <_sev|work> gbm_device *dev;
[13:07] <_sev|work> gbm_surface *surface;
[13:07] <_sev|work> };
[13:07] <_sev|work> and finally inside your class, have the following member:
[13:08] <_sev|work> Gbm _gbm;
[13:08] <_sev|work> that should do it
[13:10] <Vanfanel> _sev|work: but I can't have the structure definition in the .h because I can't move the needed headers (xf86drm.h) to the .h
[13:10] <Vanfanel> because then I get building errors
[13:10] <_sev|work> you do not need that
[13:10] <_sev|work> you declare gbm_device as a structure
[13:10] <_sev|work> and since you're using pointers, that is enough information for the compiler
[13:11] <_sev|work> then in you .cpp file you #include <gbm.h>
[13:11] <_sev|work> and that's where you will get and use those structure internals
[13:11] <_sev|work> consider "stuct foo;" as a protoptype in C
[13:11] <_sev|work> you do not have your function definitions in headers, do you?
[13:12] <Vanfanel> no I don't
[13:12] <_sev|work> only their declarations aka prototypes
[13:12] <Vanfanel> yes
[13:12] <Vanfanel> it's the same I guess
[13:12] <_sev|work> same thing is going on with structures here
[13:12] <Vanfanel> ok, I'm trying this: I have in the header of my class: struct gbm_struct;
[13:12] <Vanfanel> gbm_struct *gbm;
[13:12] <Vanfanel> and then I have the struct defined in the .cpp
[13:13] <_sev|work> no
[13:13] <_sev|work> sigh
[13:13] <_sev|work> once again
[13:13] <_sev|work> .h file contents:
[13:13] <_sev|work> namespace Foo {
[13:13] <_sev|work> struct gbm_device;
[13:13] <_sev|work> struct gbm_surface;
[13:13] <_sev|work>
[13:14] <_sev|work> struct Gbm {
[13:14] <_sev|work> gbm_device *dev;
[13:14] <_sev|work> gbm_surface *surface;
[13:14] <_sev|work> };
[13:14] <_sev|work>
[13:14] <_sev|work> class Bar {
[13:14] <_sev|work> Gbm _gbm;
[13:14] <_sev|work> ...
[13:15] <_sev|work> };
[13:15] <_sev|work> } // end of namespace Foo
[13:15] <_sev|work> clearer now?
[13:15] <_sev|work> in .cpp you have:
[13:15] <_sev|work> #include <gbm.h>
[13:15] <_sev|work>
[13:15] <_sev|work> void blah() {
[13:16] <_sev|work> _gbm.gbm_device = create_gbm_device();
[13:16] <_sev|work> debug("gbm device: %d", _gbm.gbm_device->device_id_or_whatever;
[13:16] <_sev|work> }
[13:16] <_sev|work> see it?
[13:16] <Vanfanel> yes, I get it now
[13:17] <_sev|work> you cannot look inside of gbm_device in your .h since you do not have the definition
[13:17] <_sev|work> but you do get it in .cpp
[13:18] <Vanfanel> yes, I know, in the .h it's threated as an struct, no need to know what's inside until it's defined in the cpp
[13:20] <_sev|work> excactly, since pointer size is irrelevant to its contents
[13:20] <Vanfanel> yes, an struct pointer is an struct pointer, no matter what's inside the struct
[13:21] <Vanfanel> it seems more complicated than plain C or my bad-used C++ :D
[13:21] <Vanfanel> but makes sense of course
[13:25] <wjp> What do you mean? Isn't this exactly how you'd do it in plain C too? (Except for the namespace)
[13:26] <-- Cheeseness left irc: Quit: Leaving.
[13:27] <Vanfanel> wjp: in plain C I can simply typedef an stuctured type in a C file, create a variable of that kind, and use it.
[13:27] <Vanfanel> I don't have to go thru all of this :D
[13:28] <wjp> that's exactly the same
[13:28] <wjp> the discussion is about what you _should_ do, not what you _can_ do
[13:28] <wjp> (with the general principle: don't put things in headers that don't have to be in headers)
[13:29] <Vanfanel> wjp: I guess you're right there, but since I have no classes in C, I don't have to worry about if a variable is a member or just global to that translation unit (which has to be avoided to a certain point of course)
[13:29] <wjp> true
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[15:23] <DrMcCoy> http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2015/01/12/zorked-scummvm-adds-nemesis-grand-inquisitor/
[15:24] <wjp> nice
[15:24] <_sev|work> cool
[15:29] <t0by> OOooh.
[15:29] <t0by> It was a gsoc task from 2013, right?
[15:29] <t0by> RichieSams, perhaps?
[15:29] <t0by> Awesome.
[15:31] <DrMcCoy> Huh?
[15:31] <DrMcCoy> No, that's the zvision engine. Marisa-Chan did that
[15:32] <DrMcCoy> Hmm
[15:32] <wjp> well
[15:32] <wjp> joint effort, I would say
[15:32] <DrMcCoy> Oh, right, the first commits are all RichieSams
[15:33] <wjp> RichieSams did start from work by Marisa-Chan/Zidane too
[15:33] <DrMcCoy> Okay, I'm obviously uninformed about this engine's history :)
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[16:30] <waltervn> joostp!
[16:31] <joostp> hey waltervn :)
[16:32] <LordHoto> joostp! waltervn!
[16:33] <joostp> LordHoto!
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[16:43] <wjp> hi
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[16:47] <droid2727> joostp!
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[16:51] <joostp> droid2727, wjp, * !
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[17:04] <fuzzie> Vanfanel: are you all un-confused now?
[17:04] <Vanfanel> fuzzie: yeah, for the most part! :D Thanks!
[17:04] <Vanfanel> I'll have to take a lot of notes on what I've learned here these days..
[17:05] <Vanfanel> which is a VERY good thing
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[18:05] <waltervn> hrm annoying... SDL fullscreen isn't working for me in Ubuntu. It's just the same tiny screen in an ocean of black
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[18:09] <aquadran> SDL1 or SDL2 ?
[18:09] <aquadran> in SDL1 in ubuntu I have similiar issue
[18:10] <waltervn> SDL1
[18:11] <aquadran> I have small window top/left, rest with leftover from desktop
[18:11] <waltervn> so far my transition from OS X back to Ubuntu has not been a particularly smooth ride :/
[18:13] <aquadran> I use both :)
[18:14] <aquadran> or rather few, depends for what I need :)
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[18:31] <Sir_Burpalot> Oh, don't worry, waltervn. On OS X, fullscreen is broken, too.
[18:31] <Sir_Burpalot> At least on Retina displays.
[18:32] <aquadran> right, SDL1 is not updated to support retina
[18:33] <Sir_Burpalot> Also, when did the SDL2 patches get merged into ScummVM? I wasn't aware of this.
[18:33] <Vanfanel> doesn't OpenGL renderer work on OSX?
[18:33] <Sir_Burpalot> Vanfanel: badly.
[18:33] <Sir_Burpalot> At least if you have a Retina device.
[18:33] <Vanfanel> ok
[18:34] <aquadran> Sir_Burpalot: really?
[18:34] <aquadran> or you mean SDL context?
[18:35] <Sir_Burpalot> When I select "OpenGL" under "Graphics mode", doesn't that turn on the OpenGL renderer?
[18:35] <aquadran> yes, but using SDL context
[18:35] <Sir_Burpalot> There's a different OpenGL renderer?
[18:35] <Sir_Burpalot> How do I activate it?
[18:36] <aquadran> er, no. I mean only how opengl is used
[18:37] <Vanfanel> Sir_Burpalot: There is the KMS/DRM context OpenGL on GNU/Linux, it hasn't been merged yet into mainline scummvm but you can build from my repo here: https://github.com/vanfanel/scummvm/tree/gles_custom
[18:37] <Sir_Burpalot> That's for GNU/Linux, though.
[18:37] <Vanfanel> but I assure you fullscreen works (that's the idea of direct DRM usage)
[18:38] <Vanfanel> Sir_Burpalot: ah, sorry, it was waltervn who said it didn't work on Ubuntu
[18:38] <Vanfanel> thought it was you
[18:38] <Sir_Burpalot> And if I were to install GNU/Linux on my Retina MBP, I'd run into far worse issues than fullscreen in ScummVM not working.
[18:42] <eriktorbjorn> I wonder how good a replacement Freefont is for the Windows fonts ZVision uses. I'm having much better luck with https://fedorahosted.org/liberation-fonts/ at least for the game over screen.
[18:50] <_sev|work> anyone from US now?
[18:51] <_sev|work> droid2727: ?
[18:51] <_sev|work> yaz0r: ?
[18:55] <yaz0r> ?
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[18:59] <m_kiewitz> Yahtzee plays Police Quest 1 VGA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e13B-Tilzlc
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[19:23] <toney> Hi, devs! When will be Dune 1 supported out of box? There was a code https://sourceforge.net/p/dunerevival/code/98/tree/trunk/
[19:32] <Strangerke> toney: you could specifically poke the dev
[19:32] <Strangerke> thebluegr == [md5]
[19:33] <toney> Strangerke: what is dev's nickname?
[19:33] <toney> That code was developed by guys of AGS
[19:34] <toney> And then adopted for ScummVM
[19:34] <Strangerke> At least I see that [md5] (aka thebluegr) did something
[19:34] <Strangerke> [md5]: Poke.
[19:34] <toney> ok, thanks
[19:36] <Strangerke> now honestly, I think it's yet another game which triggers flame wars
[19:36] <somaen> Well, it could feasibly be yet another "scummvm-misc" thing
[19:36] <toney> explain, please
[19:36] <Vanfanel> wow, Dune was an awesome Amiga game! I even got the OST imported when it came out on CD
[19:36] <somaen> Which isn't super problematic to release, given the support for out-of-tree engines.
[19:37] <eriktorbjorn> Strangerke: What little I've seen of it looked like some kind of adventure/strategy hybrid. I don't know which side is most prominent, though.
[19:37] <Strangerke> eriktorbjorn: iirc, it was already rejected a couple of times, so I guess some dev consider it's more strategy
[19:37] <toney> Dune 1 is mainly adventure game
[19:38] <toney> Why reject games?
[19:38] <toney> If they are good, even hybrid?
[19:38] <Strangerke> yeah, yeah, I know
[19:38] <Strangerke> but that how we proceed
[19:38] <Strangerke> +is
[19:39] <toney> There are some RPG, supported by ScummVM. why not to support adventure/strategy?
[19:39] <Strangerke> the only example you'll be able to give are using an engine initially supported in ScummVM for adventure games
[19:40] <Strangerke> the engine was accidentally used for RPG (or Action, or whatever) games, so some code was added to support those other games
[19:40] <toney> But why create boundaries?
[19:40] <toney> ScummVM grows
[19:40] <toney> & more different games are better
[19:41] <Strangerke> the executable is already 43Mb on my laptop. Without boundaries, how large and unmaintainable would it be?
[19:41] <toney> You may break for modules
[19:41] <Strangerke> The day we have a fully working RPG engine, maybe we'll start a sister project
[19:42] <toney> core module for adventures, additional for others
[19:42] <Strangerke> but until then, we keep the same rules
[19:42] <eriktorbjorn> On a different subject, to illustrate what I was saying before, here are some screenshots of ZGI texts rendered with Microsoft fonts, GNU FreeFonts and The Liberation(tm) Fonts: http://www.update.uu.se/~d91tan/ScummVM/ZGI/
[19:43] --> Wishmaster joined #scummvm.
[19:43] <Strangerke> liberation is better imho
[19:44] <toney> Microsoft fonts sucks, as all their products!
[19:45] <Vanfanel> can you guys tell me how this line on the configure script exactly works-> "cc_check $ZLIB_CFLAGS $ZLIB_LIBS -lz && _zlib=yes" I mean: does it compile the test program AND IF it succeeds then _zlib is made to equal "yes"?
[19:47] <-- bazaar left irc: Quit: leaving
[19:48] <fuzzie> eriktorbjorn: did you fix the flags for freefont?
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[19:49] <fuzzie> Vanfanel: yes
[19:49] <eriktorbjorn> fuzzie: What do you mean by flags?
[19:50] <fuzzie> eriktorbjorn: to loadTTFFont
[19:50] <fuzzie> it defaults to kTTFRenderModeLight because freefont basically needs that
[19:50] <fuzzie> but zvision passes only kTTFRenderModeNormal or kTTFRenderModeMonochrome
[19:50] <eriktorbjorn> fuzzie: The only changes I made were the ones in http://www.update.uu.se/~d91tan/ScummVM/ZGI/liberation-patch.txt
[19:51] <eriktorbjorn> I wasn't aware of any other changes that should be made.
[19:51] <fuzzie> well, now I said things!
[19:51] Action: eriktorbjorn doesn't want to remake those screenshots! :-)
[19:52] <fuzzie> well, we can just assume freefont is good, then :)
[19:52] <eriktorbjorn> fuzzie: Even though the monospaced font is hard to read, and text positioning is off causing some things to break further?
[19:52] <fuzzie> but seriously it's worth a try to see if it's less broken?
[19:53] <fuzzie> eriktorbjorn: well, if you passed the wrong flags then that is not surprising :p
[19:53] <fuzzie> I assume the liberation fonts are huge
[19:54] <eriktorbjorn> fuzzie: Right now, the folders where I keep the three sets of fonts are 9.1 MB (the Microsoft fonts), 4.0 MB (the Liberation fonts) and 2.4 MB (the GNU FreeFonts) respectively.
[19:54] <fuzzie> interesting
[19:54] <fuzzie> my (relevant) set of Liberation fonts is 1.6mb
[19:54] <fuzzie> and we ship the freefonts anyway, so
[19:55] <fuzzie> and obviously the Microsoft fonts are sadly useless :)
[19:55] <eriktorbjorn> A bit unfair to the Microsoft fonts, since there are a few more different fonts in that folder.
[19:55] <Vanfanel> fuzzie: thanks for previous response.
[19:55] <Endy> (I'm waiting for Eben Moglen to give a keynote - tangentally related to free fonts lol)
[19:56] <eriktorbjorn> fuzzie: Since you know what the flags should be, perhaps you could compare Liberation and FreeFont? If you have the game.
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[19:57] <eriktorbjorn> One thing to note in the screenshots I made is that in the "gameover" one, one line of the text at the bottom has scrolled off, so you don't see the "Your score is ..." line.
[19:57] <fuzzie> eriktorbjorn: I don't have the game anywhere accessible, sorry :/
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[19:58] <eriktorbjorn> fuzzie: Ok, so what do I have to change to make FreeFont happier?
[19:59] <fuzzie> eriktorbjorn: you need to pass kTTFRenderModeLight to the loadTTFFont call
[19:59] <fuzzie> I'm not sure this will help you much, since it's irrelevant for the monochrome ('sharp') rendering. But maybe it does.
[20:00] <fuzzie> Certainly the only reason we have the Light render mode is because freefont is unusable without it.
[20:00] <eriktorbjorn> fuzzie: So instead of kTTFRenderModeMonochrome or kTTFRenderModeNormal, it should always use kTTFRenderModeLight?
[20:01] <fuzzie> To see if it helps, I'd replace both. For a 'fix', only replace the latter (maybe?).
[20:02] <eriktorbjorn> fuzzie: When I tried this morning, I came to the conclusion that kTTFRenderModeMonochrome is what makes the monospaced font look so broken.
[20:03] <eriktorbjorn> So that's the one I'd primarily want to change, to make a new set of screenshots.
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[20:10] <eriktorbjorn> I have a set of screenshots, but I haven't cropped them the way I did the old ones. (I'd have to do them all over again to get the same screen areas.)
[20:10] Action: eriktorbjorn hasn't uploaded them yet. Moment...
[20:13] <eriktorbjorn> http://www.update.uu.se/~d91tan/ScummVM/ZGI/freefont-light/
[20:13] <eriktorbjorn> As you can see, the gameover screen is still broken (missing line) and positioning is bad in the restore dialog.
[20:14] <-- CruX| left irc: Ping timeout: 264 seconds
[20:14] <eriktorbjorn> The reason I looked at the Liberation fonts is that it's "a font family which aims at metric compatibility with Arial, Times New Roman, and Courier New", which to my ears sounds almost exactly like what we want.
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[20:18] <eriktorbjorn> Hmm... There's also something called "Croscore fonts" which make the same promise, and apparently Liberation was based on that? I wonder which is the most well maintained...
[20:21] <-- Harekiet left irc: Read error: Network is unreachable
[20:21] <fuzzie> eriktorbjorn: okay. so, less terribly broken, but still broken?
[20:21] <fuzzie> that seems a reasonable conclusion
[20:22] <eriktorbjorn> fuzzie: That's how it looks to me, at least.
[20:23] <eriktorbjorn> By the way, ZVision does not (at least not by default) use any TTF fonts bundled with ScummVM. The data files page instructs you where to download GNU FreeFonts.
[20:25] <eriktorbjorn> So in that respect, it makes no difference if we instruct to use FreeFonts or Liberation.
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[20:33] <eriktorbjorn> Anyway, I suppose I should wait for some input from [md5] because I believe he's the one who added support for FreeFont.
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[21:42] <WooShell> meow =^.^=
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[22:45] <[md5]> just came back
[22:45] <[md5]> eriktorbjorn: are you around?
[22:49] <-- RUBICN64 left irc: Quit: AndroidIrc Disconnecting
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[22:50] <eriktorbjorn> [md5]: Yes.
[22:50] <[md5]> hello :)
[22:50] <[md5]> thanks for your work on the fonts
[22:51] <eriktorbjorn> [md5]: Any thoughts on how we should proceed?
[22:51] <[md5]> I basically chose FreeFont cause of its crispness compared to the others, its relatively small size, and its GNU licence
[22:51] <[md5]> other than that, I'm personally happy with whatever is best visually and compatible with our license model
[22:52] <[md5]> I chose to ignore the bundled font with ScummVM on purpose, to avoid graphical glitches when only that font is available
[22:52] <[md5]> and instead force people to download the required fonts
[22:52] <[md5]> cause we would get all sorts of silly bug reports caused by wrong fonts
[22:53] <[md5]> I did check the Windows fonts, but found them to be too ugly compared to FreeFont... but then again, I didn't know about that flag that fuzzie mentioned
[22:54] <[md5]> in any case, IMHO we could add support for libre fonts too
[22:54] <[md5]> it's yet another option
[22:54] <[md5]> but I don't know if that would confuse people more
[22:54] <[md5]> so I thought it'd be best to just stick with one font set
[22:55] <[md5]> your thoughts?
[22:55] <[md5]> you seem too quiet :P
[22:55] <-- frankyboy_ left irc: Remote host closed the connection
[22:55] <eriktorbjorn> [md5]: As I said before, the game over screen at the well is a bit broken with FreeFont. Not just that it's hard to read, but one line was missing in the final text.
[22:55] <-- droid2727 left irc: Ping timeout: 265 seconds
[22:56] <[md5]> is that fixed with the correct flag?
[22:56] Action: [md5] checks the screenshots
[22:56] <eriktorbjorn> [md5]: Not when I tried it, assuming I got the correct flag.
[22:56] <[md5]> it does look to be some sort of scaling issue, cause if I enlarge the fonts, they look good
[22:57] <[md5]> as for the bold/italic versions...
[22:57] <[md5]> let me see what flavors the games actually use
[22:58] <eriktorbjorn> [md5]: What happens with the "Your score is ..." line when you enlarge the fonts?
[23:00] <eriktorbjorn> [md5]: What I found attractive about Liberation was that the text positioning matches the Windows fonts very well for my test cases, while with FreeFont it was different sometimes to the point of being broken.
[23:03] <[md5]> Nemesis uses Arial bold and Arial bold+italic
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[23:04] <[md5]> hrm
[23:04] <[md5]> I can't remember where the other fonts are used
[23:04] <[md5]> let me check
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[23:50] <-- Javacat left irc: Ping timeout: 264 seconds
[23:52] <-- WooShell left irc: Quit: Walking upside down in the sky, between the satellites passing by. Gliding along the black rainbow, I fly away with my shadow. Scratching the moon like a DJ, the night follows its odyssey.
[23:58] <-- t0by left irc: Ping timeout: 264 seconds
[00:00] --- Tue Jan 13 2015