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[00:29] --> GitHub90 joined #scummvm.
[00:29] <GitHub90> [scummvm-tools] criezy pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/voJwB
[00:29] <GitHub90> scummvm-tools/master fa809f5 Thierry Crozat: SWORD1: Fix memory corruption when trying to guess file endianness...
[00:29] <GitHub90> scummvm-tools/master ab8f654 Thierry Crozat: SWORD1: Improve detection of the speech file endianness...
[00:29] GitHub90 (GitHub90@ left #scummvm.
[00:33] <-- frankyboy_ left irc: Remote host closed the connection
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[00:37] <-- jamm left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[00:49] --> GitHub141 joined #scummvm.
[00:49] <GitHub141> [scummvm] criezy pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/voJrI
[00:49] <GitHub141> scummvm/master 5031885 Thierry Crozat: SWORD1: Improve detection of speech data endianness for mac version...
[00:49] GitHub141 (GitHub141@ left #scummvm.
[01:21] <-- criezy left irc: Quit: criezy
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[05:32] --> GitHub191 joined #scummvm.
[05:32] <GitHub191> [scummvm] Strangerke pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/voJSP
[05:32] <GitHub191> scummvm/master 2473348 Strangerke: GNAP: Initialize some more variables, reorder initialization
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[05:41] <-- uruk-hai left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds
[06:05] --> GitHub189 joined #scummvm.
[06:05] <GitHub189> [scummvm] sev- pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/voJHg
[06:05] <GitHub189> scummvm/master 8e4f892 Eugene Sandulenko: GUI: Fixed negative index check
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[07:22] <-- girafe left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[07:29] --> Strangerke|work joined #scummvm.
[07:32] <Strangerke|work> hi guys
[07:37] <uruk-hai> hey Strangerke|work, hey everybody :)
[07:37] <Strangerke|work> uruk-hai: hey! what's up?
[07:37] <Strangerke|work> Any progress on Avalanche? :D
[07:37] <Strangerke|work> (yeah, I'm a bastard)
[07:38] <uruk-hai> :D :D :D
[07:38] <uruk-hai> i am studying unix bash scripting for an exam... it's super weird that we have to do this on paper
[07:39] <Strangerke|work> yeah indeed
[07:39] <Strangerke|work> not fun :(
[07:40] <uruk-hai> yeah... they make an interesting thing painful :/
[08:11] <-- TMM left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds
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[08:32] <_sev|work> yo
[08:37] --> jammm joined #scummvm.
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[08:48] --> GitHub63 joined #scummvm.
[08:48] <GitHub63> [scummvm-web] sev- pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm-web/commit/8e79cc3d124528c9cc33403b951d1d44a9554e23
[08:48] <GitHub63> scummvm-web/master 8e79cc3 Eugene Sandulenko: WEB: PSP package has been built
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[09:07] --> DJWillis joined #scummvm.
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[10:20] <-- Dominus left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
[10:21] <blorente> Good morning
[10:21] --> Dominus joined #scummvm.
[10:21] <Strangerke|work> hey blorente
[10:23] <-- jammm left irc: Quit: Leaving
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[10:24] <blorente> How is it going? :)
[10:25] <Strangerke|work> Well, it's pretty calm recently
[10:25] <Strangerke|work> what about you?
[10:26] <Strangerke|work> Still playing with 9patch? :)
[10:27] <blorente> I am, I got a pretty ugly hack to work yesterday in a barebones MacVenture: https://trello.com/c/Dy826vNt/25-add-clut8-support-to-ninepatch
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[14:57] <rootfather_> hi peeps
[14:57] Nick change: rootfather_ -> rootfather
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[15:05] <rootfather> @DJWillis, can you please update the planet.scummvm.org to the changes I made to the scummvm-sites/web-planet repo/branch a few weeks ago?
[15:11] <-- ajax16384 left irc: Quit: Leaving
[15:11] gsivori (gsivori@ left #scummvm ("Leaving").
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[15:18] <-- jamm left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
[15:21] <rootfather> ping _sev|work
[15:22] <-- uruk-hai left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds
[15:27] <rootfather> *REGRESSION ALERT*
[15:27] <rootfather> https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm/commit/8e4f892ef9e6ad6c2809449373adb8cbad88aa9b#commitcomment-17754764
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[16:04] --> Cruel` joined #scummvm.
[16:35] <DJWillis> rootfather: sorry sir, been away from any machines I use for dev but i'll get it synced as soon as I can. Thanks for pointing it out.
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[16:43] <-- blorente left irc: Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[16:44] <rootfather> thanks DJWillis
[16:48] <Pegasus_Epsilon> grammatical error in Gehn's journal. tsk.
[16:48] <Pegasus_Epsilon> "...an outsider who's ignorance..."
[16:50] <rootfather> me fail english?
[16:50] <rootfather> that's unpossible!
[16:50] <Pegasus_Epsilon> i didn't expect it of Gehn
[17:04] <Pegasus_Epsilon> very nearly forgot the fire marble code on prison island
[17:04] <Pegasus_Epsilon> that would have been bad
[17:07] --> GitHub73 joined #scummvm.
[17:07] <GitHub73> [scummvm-web] rootfather pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm-web/commit/5e96bfb213daf542eb1e417eb5493fedc4bd2597
[17:07] <GitHub73> scummvm-web/master 5e96bfb Lothar Serra Mari: WEB: Update RELEASE_DEBIAN to 1.8.1...
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[17:14] <Pegasus_Epsilon> that's riven done. other than the floaty dragging, and the colors being slightly off between videos and still scenes, seems fine
[17:17] <Pegasus_Epsilon> and the audio cuts out during the credits, i seem to recall there being music there.
[17:18] --> _sev|work joined #scummvm.
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[17:18] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev|work' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
[17:18] <_sev|work> rootfather: fixed
[17:18] --> GitHub25 joined #scummvm.
[17:18] <GitHub25> [scummvm] sev- pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/voTYu
[17:18] <GitHub25> scummvm/master 04bb80b Eugene Sandulenko: GUI: Fix regression
[17:18] <GitHub25> scummvm/master 8ea64e9 Eugene Sandulenko: SCUMM HE: Fix Moonbase FOW initialization
[17:18] <GitHub25> scummvm/master 6c09ab9 Eugene Sandulenko: SCUMM HE: Fix Moonbase FOW positioning
[17:18] GitHub25 (GitHub25@ left #scummvm.
[17:18] <_sev|work> rootfather: thanks for the pointing
[17:18] <Pegasus_Epsilon> _sev: finished riven. other than the floaty dragging, and the colors being slightly off between videos and still scenes, and the audio going awol during the end credits, seems fine.
[17:20] <_sev|work> Pegasus_Epsilon: all of those deserve to be reported as bugs
[17:21] <Pegasus_Epsilon> are you taking bug reports for riven?
[17:21] <Pegasus_Epsilon> i figured it might be early days for that
[17:21] --> _sev joined #scummvm.
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[17:21] <Pegasus_Epsilon> and scummvm just shut down, but my android randomly closes things all the time, so...
[17:21] --> Strangerke_ joined #scummvm.
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[17:22] <-- _sev|work left irc: Client Quit
[17:24] <Pegasus_Epsilon> _sev: you wanna make a Riven milestone for me?
[17:24] <-- Strangerke left irc: Ping timeout: 276 seconds
[17:24] Nick change: Strangerke_ -> Strangerke
[17:25] <rootfather> _sev thanks for the fix, I'
[17:25] <rootfather> I'm just checking if it is fixed for me too
[17:25] <_sev> Pegasus_Epsilon: done
[17:25] <Pegasus_Epsilon> ty <3
[17:27] <Pegasus_Epsilon> i wonder if i can find a good example for a screenshot...
[17:34] <Pegasus_Epsilon> https://sourceforge.net/p/scummvm/bugs/7146/
[17:37] <Pegasus_Epsilon> https://sourceforge.net/p/scummvm/bugs/7147/
[17:37] <Pegasus_Epsilon> possible solution for floaty dragging in there, too
[17:38] <Pegasus_Epsilon> and i'm not filing the audio cut during the credits, i'm not sure if that's in the original or not, and i'm not sure if it's a symptom of my weird tablet.
[17:38] <Pegasus_Epsilon> but the video tint problem, if that's in the original, well, somebody can point it out and close the ticket, and the floaty dragging really needs fixed regardless of how
[17:45] #scummvm: mode change '+o Strangerke' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
[17:48] <Pegasus_Epsilon> oh, i should get a shot of the gold elevator scene skip rendering glitch
[17:54] <-- girafe left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[18:00] <Pegasus_Epsilon> _sev: https://sourceforge.net/p/scummvm/bugs/7148/
[18:01] <rootfather> _sev confirmed fixed
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[18:19] <_sev> Pegasus_Epsilon: thanks
[18:19] <_sev> rootfather: I knew that!
[18:19] <_sev> rootfather: thanks for checking
[18:19] <Pegasus_Epsilon> _sev: thanks for your work on scummvm :)
[18:33] --> girafe joined #scummvm.
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[18:35] #scummvm: mode change '+o uruk-hai' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
[18:37] <Pegasus_Epsilon> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya_kjtvp1Y0
[18:37] <Pegasus_Epsilon> whoops, wrong channel
[18:39] --> WooShell joined #scummvm.
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[18:41] <rootfather> realistic minecraft would be pretty awesome
[18:42] <Pegasus_Epsilon> i was waiting for the creeper when he first dropped the diamonds
[18:42] --> GitHub167 joined #scummvm.
[18:42] <GitHub167> [scummvm] waltervn pushed 117 new commits to master: https://git.io/voTRv
[18:42] <GitHub167> scummvm/master ee0c5e4 Walter van Niftrik: ADL: Add skeleton for Hi-Res #2
[18:42] <GitHub167> scummvm/master e49085b Walter van Niftrik: ADL: Implement hires2 title screen
[18:42] <GitHub167> scummvm/master ebb6ceb Walter van Niftrik: ADL: Load verbs and nouns for hires2
[18:42] GitHub167 (GitHub167@ left #scummvm.
[18:42] <Pegasus_Epsilon> explosions destroying blocks hurts
[18:42] <Pegasus_Epsilon> destroying drops*
[18:43] <waltervn> sorry for the insane amount of commits in that push
[18:46] <Pegasus_Epsilon> fixing things, you monster
[18:46] <_sev> \o/
[18:46] <_sev> waltervn: yay
[18:47] <waltervn> special thanks to fuzzie for helping me out with some annoying stuff
[18:49] <_sev> waltervn: a tiny fix
[18:49] --> GitHub139 joined #scummvm.
[18:49] <GitHub139> [scummvm] sev- pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/voTRb
[18:49] <GitHub139> scummvm/master 637ee8e Eugene Sandulenko: ADL: Fix warnings
[18:49] GitHub139 (GitHub139@ left #scummvm.
[18:53] <_sev> waltervn: what's up with that game options?
[18:53] <_sev> waltervn: detection.cpp, looks like GAMEOPTION_MONO got same description as COLOR
[18:54] <waltervn> yes, one is default on and the other default off... if that's not right, feel free to change it
[18:54] <waltervn> basically what I want was the 'color' option on for same games, and off for others
[18:54] <_sev> well, if it works, I don't mind
[18:55] <_sev> but I suggest to add an explanatory comment then
[18:55] <waltervn> or maybe change it to GAMEOPTION_COLOR_DEFAULT_ON/OFF or something. I'll look into it next time I dig into this
[18:56] <_sev> kk
[18:57] <_sev> waltervn: when do you think we could announce testing for some of these?
[18:57] --> jammm joined #scummvm.
[18:58] <rootfather> waltervn any GUI options introduced I need to take care of translation-wise?
[18:59] <waltervn> probably
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[19:04] <-- Asterisk left irc: Ping timeout: 276 seconds
[19:04] <_sev> waltervn: outstanding work
[19:12] <rootfather> hey criezy
[19:12] <rootfather> do you think the WinSparkle support is ready to be announced in the NEWS?
[19:14] <criezy> Hi rootfather
[19:14] <criezy> Was that winsparkle question directed at me?
[19:15] --> Asterisk joined #scummvm.
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[19:15] <criezy> I have no idea what the state is. But since it doesn't do anything until there is actually a release that contains it, that seems a bit premature.
[19:16] <rootfather> yep it was
[19:16] <rootfather> okay, then I'll wait with it
[19:16] <rootfather> seems a bit hard to test... I can get up the Winsparkle message that there is no update available
[19:17] <rootfather> but thanks to the authentication process I think its not possible to "fake" or simulate an update
[19:19] <criezy> Oh sorry, in your question did you mean in the NEWS file or posting a news item on the web site? I replied to the latter.
[19:19] <criezy> For the former that might be up to the Windows maintainer confirming if he is planning to include it in the release (adding this in the NEWS file if it is not included in the release doesn't make sense).
[19:21] <rootfather> I meant the NEWS file
[19:21] <rootfather> but we really should wait what Kirben says
[19:24] --> snover joined #scummvm.
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[19:28] <Pegasus_Epsilon> hey _sev, i don't think this bug should have been closed-invalid
[19:29] <Pegasus_Epsilon> especially since it just popped up in 1.9.0git-whatever
[19:30] <_sev> Pegasus_Epsilon: which bug?
[19:30] <Pegasus_Epsilon> https://sourceforge.net/p/scummvm/bugs/6811/
[19:31] <Pegasus_Epsilon> adding kyra.dat to the game data directory does allow the game to launch, but that you have to do that is the bug
[19:39] <Strangerke> waltervn: very nice :) Congrats!
[19:46] <waltervn> thanks, but still a lot to do... so if anyone is bored, let me know ;)
[19:47] <Strangerke> :)
[19:47] <uruk-hai> i just see it, nice work waltervn :)
[19:54] <-- jammm left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
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[20:19] <-- uruk-hai left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[20:30] --> GitHub20 joined #scummvm.
[20:30] <GitHub20> [scummvm] sev- pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/voTMK
[20:30] <GitHub20> scummvm/master c3dead6 Eugene Sandulenko: GCW0: Device needs downscaling
[20:30] GitHub20 (GitHub20@ left #scummvm.
[20:45] --> GitHub12 joined #scummvm.
[20:45] <GitHub12> [scummvm] sev- pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/voTSc
[20:45] <GitHub12> scummvm/master 2e67546 Eugene Sandulenko: GUI: Do not change aspect ratio setting when it is disabled
[20:45] GitHub12 (GitHub12@ left #scummvm.
[20:52] <-- salty-horse left irc: Quit: Leaving
[20:53] <Strangerke> If someone has some free time... I need help with a text : http://pastebin.com/YPiDCbRb
[20:54] <_sev> Strangerke: last time publishing it on Google Docs proved to be extremely useful
[20:56] <Strangerke> ok, https://docs.google.com/document/d/15T5GcRGZ57ayqE28HO3TGrZd-ZHhsTzGiFT9JN71LK4/edit?usp=sharing
[21:03] --> eriktorbjorn joined #scummvm.
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[21:04] <Strangerke> *cough*
[21:05] <Strangerke> fuzzie: could you remind me which version of Director is "Skeleton"? Is it a v3.something?
[21:05] <snover> Strangerke: you should set the document sharing mode to allow others to leave suggestions
[21:06] <Strangerke> it's not updatable?
[21:06] <Strangerke> damn.
[21:06] <snover> the share button at the top-right
[21:07] <Strangerke> https://docs.google.com/document/d/15T5GcRGZ57ayqE28HO3TGrZd-ZHhsTzGiFT9JN71LK4/edit?usp=sharing
[21:07] <Strangerke> that maybe?
[21:07] <Strangerke> no it's the same link
[21:07] <Strangerke> everybody should be able to edit
[21:08] <Strangerke> an anonymous python is fixing typos, so it seems to work :)

[21:11] <Strangerke> So, thanks to the anonymous python (snover?)
[21:11] <snover> yeah
[21:12] <_sev> Strangerke: you need to accept snover's changes
[21:12] <Strangerke> done
[21:13] <_sev> shouldn't it be "traveling through the space"?
[21:14] <criezy> UFO or U.F.O.? Both are used, but you should probably choose one?
[21:14] <Strangerke> _sev: no, it's really through space
[21:15] <Strangerke> criezy: with a final s in both case. I don't know
[21:16] <Strangerke> criezy: on my Italian release it's "UFO's"
[21:18] <Pegasus_Epsilon> _sev: do you disagree with my thoughts on that bug?
[21:18] <criezy> On Mobygames it's U.F.O.s
[21:18] <_sev> Pegasus_Epsilon: which bug?
[21:18] <Pegasus_Epsilon> https://sourceforge.net/p/scummvm/bugs/6811/
[21:18] <Pegasus_Epsilon> adding kyra.dat to the game data directory does allow the game to launch, but that you have to do that is the bug
[21:19] --> frankyboy_ joined #scummvm.
[21:20] <_sev> Pegasus_Epsilon: probably you had an old kyra.dat somewhere
[21:20] <_sev> Pegasus_Epsilon: 1.8.1 will have an up-to date file
[21:20] <Pegasus_Epsilon> not unless it installed with 1.9
[21:20] <criezy> Strangerke: Looking at the screenshots on Mobygames. the Belgian and Italian indeed don't use dots, but the north american front cover does.
[21:20] <Pegasus_Epsilon> i had no kyra.dat in the game data directory, i can delete it to reproduce again if you like
[21:21] <_sev> kyra.dat file is required to run Kyra engine games
[21:21] <Strangerke> the Canadian release seems to say "U.F.O.s" indeed
[21:21] <Pegasus_Epsilon> correct, and it comes bundled with the apk
[21:21] <Pegasus_Epsilon> but scummvm isn't finding it, which is the bug here, and it was closed invalid because adding it to the game data directory is a valid workaround (not a fix)
[21:22] <Strangerke> criezy: I used the canadian spelling
[21:22] <Pegasus_Epsilon> but i can delete it from the game data directory, and verify that kyra.dat does exist where it's supposed to
[21:22] <Pegasus_Epsilon> if you like
[21:24] Action: Pegasus_Epsilon pulls a full file listing off his tablet
[21:25] <Strangerke> criezy: could you give your opinion about _sev comments? I think it's correct as it is now, but I prefer another opinion
[21:25] <Pegasus_Epsilon> oh, interesting. i don't see it anywhere but the game data directory.
[21:25] <criezy> I also think the current text is correct is both instances.
[21:25] <Strangerke> thanks
[21:25] <-- iskrich left irc: Ping timeout: 250 seconds
[21:26] <Strangerke> I hesitate on "his spaceship"
[21:27] <Strangerke> it's not gender-neutral. Maybe "their spaceship" would be more appropriate?
[21:27] Action: Pegasus_Epsilon keeps digging
[21:28] <Strangerke> (and the same for all pronouns used for Gnap)
[21:28] <Strangerke> but maybe I'm just too careful about gender neutrality.
[21:29] <criezy> I don't know. The current text looked OK to me.
[21:31] <Strangerke> ok, let's say he's a guy then. :D That would explain why he's reading an erotic magazine in the intro :P
[21:31] <Strangerke> and thanks criezy :)
[21:31] <Pegasus_Epsilon> so yeah, i can't even get into /data/app to have a look if the apk installed kyra.dat properly
[21:31] <Pegasus_Epsilon> but the only kyra.dat i can get to is the one i put in the game data directory myself
[21:31] <Pegasus_Epsilon> without which, the game won't load at all
[21:32] <Strangerke> Last 5 minutes before I push it
[21:32] <Pegasus_Epsilon> so that bug is 100% valid imo
[21:32] <Pegasus_Epsilon> _sev ^
[21:33] <Pegasus_Epsilon> if you really really want me to prove it, i'll invest an hour or so digging through a virtual droid
[21:33] <_sev> Pegasus_Epsilon: can you reproduce it with 1.8.1?
[21:33] <Pegasus_Epsilon> i'll have a try
[21:33] <_sev> please. as it could be already fixed
[21:34] --> TMM joined #scummvm.
[21:37] <Pegasus_Epsilon> already fixed in 1.8.1pre208 but broken in 1.9? isn't that a regression?
[21:37] <Pegasus_Epsilon> anyway
[21:37] <Pegasus_Epsilon> 1.8.1pre208, no kyra.dat in the game data directory...
[21:38] <Pegasus_Epsilon> "You're missing the 'KYRA.DAT' file or it got corrupted, (re)get it from the ScummVM website [OK]
[21:38] <Pegasus_Epsilon> "
[21:38] <Pegasus_Epsilon> ooh, and then scummvm seems to have crashed
[21:39] <Pegasus_Epsilon> the droid didn't like that
[21:39] --> GitHub134 joined #scummvm.
[21:39] <GitHub134> [scummvm-web] Strangerke pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm-web/commit/b7577c3acd1ed3068c1bb15b5c3a5354e1b27bd1
[21:39] <GitHub134> scummvm-web/master b7577c3 Strangerke: WEB: Announce Gnap/UFOs testing period
[21:39] GitHub134 (GitHub134@ left #scummvm.
[21:39] Action: Pegasus_Epsilon switches back to 1.9.1
[21:40] <Pegasus_Epsilon> 1.9*
[21:40] <Strangerke> 1.9.1? Back to the future! \o/
[21:41] <Pegasus_Epsilon> wow, yeah, crashed in 1.9.0 too
[21:42] <Pegasus_Epsilon> definitely broken, that
[21:42] Action: Pegasus_Epsilon puts kyra.dat back in the game data directory
[22:05] <-- waltervn left irc: Ping timeout: 258 seconds
[22:18] <-- WooShell left irc: Quit: Zu gotdy od mpy nrmy stpimf. Zu drvpmf zrsmd aogy jrt iq pt viy jrt yp yjr htpimf.
[22:27] <Pegasus_Epsilon> okay, i'll just put a comment on there and hope someone reopens it, then
[22:38] --> EmeraldM joined #scummvm.
[22:49] --> GitHub123 joined #scummvm.
[22:49] <GitHub123> [scummvm-web] criezy pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vokTS
[22:49] <GitHub123> scummvm-web/master 021d6e9 Thierry Crozat: WEB: Translate Gnap testing news to French
[22:49] GitHub123 (GitHub123@ left #scummvm.
[22:49] <-- m_kiewitz left irc: Quit: technology isn't intrinsically good or evil. It's how it's used. Like the Death Ray.
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[23:03] <-- criezy left irc: Quit: criezy
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[00:00] --- Tue Jun 7 2016